In recognition for their commitment to our community, two well deserving Creekside Rotarians, Callie Unrein, Willamette Valley Bank, Branch Manager and Marion County Commissioner, Colm Willis, joined fellow Creekside Rotarians as they became Paul Harris Fellow Thursday, June 30th, 2022. The Rotary Club of Salem Creekside is 100% Paul Harris Fellows. The Rotary Club of Salem Creekside Rotary is now third in the district for donations to the Rotary Foundation; the District became 1st in the USA in total contributions and number 2 worldwide. 
We are so proud to be able to provide assistance to so many worthwhile programs: purchasing an ambulance, medical devices and supplies, as well as medicine and basic medical assistance for Ukrainian refugees; sending a fire truck filled with life supporting equipment sent to Guaymas Mexico; aiding community children through ALS-K Auxiliary Operation Backpack; providing shelter for The Tanner Project for homeless Veterans; Laundry Vouchers for fire victims; School Area Partnership; COVID Assistance to local restaurants; contribution to Vortex Robotics, as well as our yearly projects: Halls Ferry State Park, bell ringing for Salvation Army and Marion Polk Food Share work parties. We may be small but truly committed to assisting those in need. Our service projects scanned the world and local areas. Join us Thursday at noon, Danny's on the Green, Creekside Golf Course or at one of our Service Projects. Get involved, make a friend and find out about the programs we support.