After nearly a decade, Salem celebrated it's second downtown holiday parade Friday, December 1st at 6:30 pm.  Fifty groups participated in the parade, along with Buddy the Elf, Santa, Sprague High School marching band, McKay High School cheerleaders and a very special float by the Marion Polk Early Learning Hub and Creekside Rotary, celebrating the Dolly Parton Imagination Library for children in the Marion Polk Counties. 
Creekside Rotarian, Peggy Jackson beautifully wrapped gift boxes, Rich Davis donated his cot, Patrick Jackson along with Dan Basinger from Sign Crafters constructed the fireplace back drop before the decorating crew arrived.  
In a few short hours the Marion Polk Early Learning Hub's Children's Bedtime Story float was created, rocking chairs around the fireplace, presents and story books surrounded the Christmas trees, cots placed in the back, while lit garlands decorated the perimeter. Just like a picture in a bedtime story. 
The float now complete, Dolly sitting in the rocker, children ready to hear their bedtime story, Dolly's music from her Holiday album blaring as Creekside Rotarians and family members gathered awaiting their marching orders.   
Bookmarks were passed out informing spectators how they can get their own story books for children between the ages of 0 - 5 years, and as the rain started to roll in so did the parade. A grand time for all, Creekside Rotarians, members of the Marion Polk Early Learning Hub, the families and especially the children.
Creekside Rotary would like to wish you a Very Merry Christmas and an inspiring New Year, filled with wonder and amazement.