June 15
th, members of the Rotary Club of Salem Creekside toured the New Salem Police Facility. It's hard to believe that it's been two and a half years since its opening October 10th, 2020.
In May of 2017 residents passed a bond measure to finance the facility on Commercial and Division. Demolition began in 2018, after numerous design surveys, inspections, and input from the community.

Equitas, a beautiful art piece in front of the building, was commissioned by artist Blessing Hancock, a lighted sculpture that incorporates text from the community relating to the themes of protection, service and honor.
As we progressed on the tour, we soon realized the importance of additional space, not only for officers, but for suspects and victims. A place for witnesses to relate their stories in a worry-free environment, adequate space for forensic testing, as well as separate parking area for squad cars,
and so much more.

We were able to tour almost all areas, gym, respite rooms, locker room, forensic, offices, etc.
On the bulletin board in the cafeteria were badges from all over the country, Texas, Alaska, and so much more. Definitely worth the trip.
We thank Officer Mark Jantz for giving his time, energy and commitment to the community. A beautiful building long overdue, especially for our growing community.