“Presented to Maria Mokrai
 In appreciation for outstanding leadership as President of Creekside Rotary in Salem,
Oregon 2020-2021, and 2022
Rotary and the Community Thank You”
The Rotary Club of Salem Creekside presented Immediate Past President, Maria Mokrai, with a commemorative platter for her years of dedication to the club, it's members and the community. 
"I am so truly thankful to all the members of Creekside Rotary, our collaborative partners and the community who continue to help over the years. These last few years have been interesting with all the challenges presented by COVID, local forest fires, school and business shutdowns.  Through it all Creekside Rotary turned these negatives into positives. We helped 10 local restaurants stay afloat through our COVID Assistance Program; donated gift certificates to hard working clerks, caregivers, gas attendants, etc.; provided Laundry Vouchers for Forest Fire Victims; assisted the Tanner Project for Homeless Veterans;  challenged students to excel through the Challenge and Achievement Award Programs; through ALS-K Auxiliary provided special school supplies (white eraser boards/marker/headsets -to tune out background noise, etc.) to students studying from home; sent a Fire Truck to Nogales, Mexico to save lives; supported Humanitarian efforts in Poland for Ukrainian refugees; helped sponsor Vortex Robotics to Nationals; and even found time to clean our Halls Ferry State Park.  Members rose to the challenge and did some remarkable things for our community. I am so very proud to be a member of Creekside Rotary. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve and be a part of Creekside Rotary family." Maria Mokrai