A beautiful war-torn country, refugees fleeing with only what they can carry, we see this so often and the stories of innocent people killed or wounded is devastating. Together with Portland Metro and 40 other Rotary Clubs we raised over $140,000 in one week. With those funds the Rotary Club of Biala Podlaska, purchased and filled an ambulance with medical supplies and devices, supplied mothers and children with basic needs, and procured a vehicle to help transport physically and mentally disabled refugees on the Polish Ukrainian border.
A second round of donations assisted Ukrainian professionals obtain certifications and licenses for job, as well as hands on training. Funds also support second language classes for children and adults, mentoring programs, and childcare for working families. Sports and recreational programs to help relieve the trauma were started and local agencies hoping to place orphans in loving homes. We would like to thank the people of Poland and the Rotary Club of Biala Podlaska for reaching out to those in need. You are never alone.